Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What To Eat Before A Run

What to eat before a run.....
I think this is a question that many people ask themselves before, or even after a run.  I’ve done a little bit of internet research and this is what I have found, please share if you have any advice to add...

Foods to avoid:
High-fiber foods - whole grain foods, vegetables, and fruits are high fiber foods that can cause diarrhea or gastrointestinal problems.
High-fat foods - any food that contains lots of fat; such as fried foods, cheese, hamburgers, or bacon - as these foods will digest more slowly and are more likely to “sit heavy” on your stomach.
Caffeine - Coffee or other caffeinated beverages can cause stomach issues (Although some regular caffeine drinkers don’t notice the problems).

Safe foods:
Refined Carbs - Processed white foods, like regular pasta, white rice, and plain bagels are some good examples of refined carbs.  Although not as nutritious as whole grain, they are easier for your stomach to break down.
Low-Fiber fruits and vegetables - If you really want your fruits and vegetables here are some low fiber choices: zucchini, tomatoes, olives, grapes, and grapefruit.

When to eat:
When to eat is almost as important as what to eat.  Four hours before “gun time” is the most optimal time to eat. This is early enough that your food should have time to digest, and turn into the energy you need; yet late enough that the energy won’t be used up by race time.  The closer to race time that you eat, the smaller your meal will need to be.  

How much to eat:
If you are able to eat four hours before the “gun time” you can eat up to 1000 calories.  If you eat closer to two hours before, try to limit calories to 300-400.

At least 80 percent of the calories you consume in your pre-race meal should come from carbohydrate. Keep your protein and especially your fat and fiber consumption low, because these nutrients will only take up space that would be better utilized by carbohydrate.

OK, these are a few pointers that I have found on the web.  Please share what you eat before your run.  Also, if you have found something that help you, please share; that might be just the information someone was looking for!

Two sites where I got most of mu information:  Articiles used with permission.

1 comment:

  1. I am WAY to lazy to eat 4 hours before gun time!!! That's at least 2 hours of sleep I'd lose- so how I eat depends on what race distance I am running. 5 or 10K gets a Clif Bar 30 minutes before gun time. Half marathon (and the one marathon I have done) a bagel and a banana on my way to the race in the car! And ALWAYS Gatorade pre-game fuel (preferably Orange) 15 minutes prior to the start. Not sure if this actually helps or it is just a superstitious thing...
