Friday, September 23, 2011


5K - 10K - 15K
Are you up to the challenge?
        October  15, 2011   5K     9:30
        October  29, 2011   10K   
        November 12, 2011   15K    9:30 

SWVRRC is introducing a new racing event for 2011.  Be sure to make your calendars and prove that you have what it takes to finish!  Doc Craddock has set up a wonderful group of races to push you that little bit more.  He also has some very special awards to give out. 
The awards (shown above) are hand made pottery made by Marcia Springston of Wakerobin Gallery in Forest Hill, WV.  The awards will be based on cumulative best times for: Top 3 overall M/F- top 2 M/F in age groups: 19 & under, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70 & over.  There will be no double awards given.  Runners must complete all three events to be eligible for an award.  Commemorative t-shirts will be awarded to finishers of ALL THREE events.

If you would like more information or have any questions, please contact Doc Craddock at 304-384-9924 or e-mail him at

We also need volunteers to help with water stops and traffic control.  Anyone that is interested please e-mail Doc or one of the club officers and let them know what race you could assist. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Girls on The Run 5K - Please Join Us!

Child Law Services, Inc is sponsoring Girls On The Run Southern West Virginia 5K.  It will be help Saturday June 4, 2011 at Bluefield City Park.  Race begins at 8:30.  Why not come out and support a great cause as you get in your miles for the day.There will be a kids fun run at 9am.  Breakfast and awards will be following the 5K and fun run.  There will be live entertainment and prizes for all the kids.
Here is the link to the official race page (registering info is located here)
Girl On The Run Southern West Virginia 5K
Here is a link to the official web site of Girls on the Run, if you would like more info:
Girls on the Run, official web site

Here is some info on what Girls On the Run is and what they do:
The Girls on the Run Program


To educate and prepare girls for a life time of self-respect and healthy living.

Girls on the Run® is a life-changing, experiential learning programs for girls age eight to thirteen years old. The programs combine training for a 3.1 mile running event with self-esteem enhancing, uplifting workouts. The goals of the programs are to encourage positive emotional, social, mental, spiritual and physical development.

The objective of Girls on the Run is to educate and empower girls at an early age in order to prevent the display of at-risk activities in the future. At risk activities include substance/alcohol use, eating disorders, early onset of sexual activity, sedentary lifestyle, depression, suicide attempts and confrontations with the juvenile justice system. 

The Program

Girls on the Run® is a 501(c)3 positive youth development program which combines an interactive curriculum and running to inspire self-respect and healthy lifestyles in pre-teen girls. Our core curriculum addresses many aspects of girls’ development - their physical, emotional, mental and social well-being. Lessons provide girls with the tools to make positive decisions and to avoid risky adolescent behaviors

  • To provide life-changing, high quality programs for girls
  • To provide life-changing and high quality experiences to the women developing and delivering the programs
  • To promote and provide an environment that allows girls and women to reach their full potential
  • To positively transform how girls and women perceive themselves and their place in society

Our Core Values

Girls on the Run honors its core values: 
  • We live our lives with gratitude
  • We are honest
  • We maintain balance in our lives
  • We are tobacco and drug-free
  • We seek the positive in life’s challenges
  • We live outside the “Girl Box”
  • We are open-minded
  • We positively assert ourselves
  • We make our best effort always
  • We live with intention in the present
  • We strive to improve our self-awareness

  • Girls on the Run program: girls in 3rd-5th grade and their families
  • Girls on Track program: girls in 6th-8th grade and their families
  • Program Facilitators: coaches, volunteers, women of all ages and their families

Girls On Track

Girls on the Run is the name of our organization, but we have two programs:
  • Girls on the Run -- for 3rd-5th graders
  • Girls on Track -- for 6th-8th graders
The psychological research and principal philosophy behind both programs is the same, yet the depth of processing varies in order to be age appropriate. The Girls on Track middle school curriculum allows for more mature processing around certain topics including eating disorders, internet safety, cyber bullying and tobacco and alcohol use.

National Recognition for Girls on the Run®

Featured on CNN, NBC, ESPN, Real Simple, I-Village Live and in the following national publications: Shape Magazine, O, People, Better Homes & Gardens, Runner’s World, Fitness Magazine, Running Times, Cooking Light, Walking, Parent, American Girl, Healthy Kids, Glamour, Women’s Day, Redbook, Southern Living and extensive local media throughout the United States.

Program Design
  • Three 24-lesson curriculums teach life skills through group processing, running games and workouts. The three-part curriculum is taught by certified Girls on the Run® coaches and includes understanding ourselves, valuing teamwork and understanding how we connect with and shape the world at large.
  • Girls choose and conduct a community service project
  • At each season’s conclusion, the girls complete a 5k running event as a group

Measurable Results
  • Academic evaluations of the program show a statistically significant improvement in body image, eating attitudes and self-esteem
  • Evidence also indicates an improved sense of identity and an increasingly active lifestyle for program participants


Girls on the Run International is proud to partner with New Balance, Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes, Secret deodorant, Horizon Fitness, Goody Products, and Carolina Pad. Our national sponsors provide vital support to advance the mission of our organization. We also rely on grants, individual donations and fees. Girls on the Run® councils operate as independent 501(c)3 organizations or affiliate with established501(c)3 organizations. Councils are funded by program fees, individual contributions, corporate support and grants. The program is fee-based, however financial assistance is available to ensure the program is accessible to all who are interested.


Girls on the Run® councils collaborate with a variety of non-profit organizations, including community hospitals, recreation centers, public and private schools, YWCA’s, YMCA’s, Boys & Girls Clubs, health departments, law enforcement organizations, running & fitness clubs and universities.

Curricula Organization

The curriculum is divided into three parts: 
  • The first eight lessons are centered on the girls getting to know themselves. Examining their values, their likes and dislikes, and who they envision themselves to be. As the girls get to know themselves, they are also sharing with each other. Lesson topics and learning goals include “fueling our healthy pace”, “centering: the importance of slowing down” and “celebrating gratitude.” 
  • The next eight lessons concentrate on team building, being supportive, learning to listen and cooperate, etc. Lesson topics and learning goals include “standing up to peer pressure”, “gossiping hurts everyone” and “it’s okay to choose my friends.”
  • The last eight lessons relate to the world at large. This includes making a contribution to your community and learning to recognize and deal with the negative messages we often receive from the world (media awareness, negative peer pressure, etc.) Lesson topics and learning goals include: “learning about community”, “tuning into a new message (media literacy)” and the development and implementation of a group community project.

The 24 lessons conclude with the opportunity to participate in a 5k event.

Seasonal Programming
Girls on the Run sessions are offered in the fall or in the spring.
  • Fall Session: Ten or Twelve-week program meeting twice a week from August to December 
  • Spring Session: Ten or Twelve-week program meeting twice a week from January to May

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What To Eat Before A Run

What to eat before a run.....
I think this is a question that many people ask themselves before, or even after a run.  I’ve done a little bit of internet research and this is what I have found, please share if you have any advice to add...

Foods to avoid:
High-fiber foods - whole grain foods, vegetables, and fruits are high fiber foods that can cause diarrhea or gastrointestinal problems.
High-fat foods - any food that contains lots of fat; such as fried foods, cheese, hamburgers, or bacon - as these foods will digest more slowly and are more likely to “sit heavy” on your stomach.
Caffeine - Coffee or other caffeinated beverages can cause stomach issues (Although some regular caffeine drinkers don’t notice the problems).

Safe foods:
Refined Carbs - Processed white foods, like regular pasta, white rice, and plain bagels are some good examples of refined carbs.  Although not as nutritious as whole grain, they are easier for your stomach to break down.
Low-Fiber fruits and vegetables - If you really want your fruits and vegetables here are some low fiber choices: zucchini, tomatoes, olives, grapes, and grapefruit.

When to eat:
When to eat is almost as important as what to eat.  Four hours before “gun time” is the most optimal time to eat. This is early enough that your food should have time to digest, and turn into the energy you need; yet late enough that the energy won’t be used up by race time.  The closer to race time that you eat, the smaller your meal will need to be.  

How much to eat:
If you are able to eat four hours before the “gun time” you can eat up to 1000 calories.  If you eat closer to two hours before, try to limit calories to 300-400.

At least 80 percent of the calories you consume in your pre-race meal should come from carbohydrate. Keep your protein and especially your fat and fiber consumption low, because these nutrients will only take up space that would be better utilized by carbohydrate.

OK, these are a few pointers that I have found on the web.  Please share what you eat before your run.  Also, if you have found something that help you, please share; that might be just the information someone was looking for!

Two sites where I got most of mu information:  Articiles used with permission.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Training Runs Gone Bad

Even the best training run can turn into a disaster.  Below are a couple of my husband’s run that haven’t turned out so well…..
Paul & Mike’s Adventure 
There is a country road in Narrows, VA that my husband and some of their friends use as a training run course.  It is relatively flat with low traffic, and following a river is a beautiful course to run.  One day as they were running they begin to hear gun shots.  They quickly started scanning the surrounding woods to see if they could pinpoint where the shots where coming from.  They saw two guys shooting from one side of the road to the other, either sighing in their guns or shooting at the ducks in the river.  The “hunting men” noticed Paul and Mike and threw up their hand in a friendly wave to let them know they had seen the running men.  Paul and Mike then started running again thinking that since the “hunting men” knew they were there all would be fine.  Paul said that they barely had time to run past where the “hunting men” were before the shots rang out again.  Fearing a stray bullet or someone’s aim being just a little off, I’m pretty sure that was their fastest training run yet!
 It’s Not Always The Dog That Gets Ya
 For this story, you first have to understand that Paul is deathly afraid of dogs.  Doesn’t matter what size, shape, or breed; he strongly dislikes and distrust them.  As any runner knows, there are always dogs out everywhere.  One day as Paul was running through town on one of his popular training courses (very popular for runners, and used by our local University track teams) he thought he had finally met the dog that was going to get him.  As he was running down the sidewalk, a woman was coming out of her house to put her Boston Terrier out on a chain in the yard.  As Paul ran past the dog managed to get loose from its owner and started heading straight for Paul; growling, with fangs bared and the slobber flying.  Paul, acting on instinct to get away from the dog, jumps off of the sidewalk…..right in front of an on coming car!  Luckily the car was able to stop in time and Paul was fine, other than getting a couple of years scared off the end of his life.  So just remember, it isn’t always the dog you have to worry about, sometimes it is the other obstacles that you need to avoid.
Paul & Mike’s Close Encounter With a Rabid Raccoon
 Paul and Mike decided that they were going to drive down to Burk’s Garden and run the Varmint ½ Marathon course as a training run.  They got up early and drove the hour and 20 minutes to get to the beautiful area known as Burk’s Garden.  They park at the YMCA and set off just as if they were running the Varmint.  They picked up a fellow runner, a spunky brown lab, right after taking off; and Paul actually enjoyed having the dog with them!  Towards the end of their run, right before completing the loop a scraggly looking raccoon comes walking across a field.  Both Paul and Mike took one look at the raccoon and knew that something wasn’t right.  First, you very rarely see raccoons out during the day time; and second, this raccoon looked like it was a matted, mangy mess.  Their new friend, the brown lab, quickly spotted the raccoon and took off after it, chasing it away from them and into another pasture.  With the sickly raccoon gone, their new best friend trotting beside them, they finished their run.  A couple of days later Paul sees on the local news where a rabid raccoon was captured in Tazewell County area (that is where Burk's Garden is located) after attacking a dog.  Luckily the brown lab never had to confront it that day, and neither did either of the runners thanks to said brown lab; and the dog attacked was up to date on its shots, so it all has a happy ending.  But, boy, was that a close one!
 OK, everyone, please share your training run turned disaster story.  We know that everyone has one………..

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Tell Me Again Why You Didn't Run Today.......

Please read this incredible story.  She is a running inspiration to all!!!

Elite Runner Back After Radical Cancer Surgery
Written by: Gina Kolata
Dr. Patrick J. Boland, an orthopedic oncologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York, had operated on many patients with sarcomas — cancers of soft tissues — but he had never had a patient like Serena Burla, a 27-year-old elite distance runner from St. Louis. She had a potentially deadly cancer, a synovial sarcoma, that arose in and replaced one of the muscles in her right hamstring.
Treatment was to remove that muscle, the biceps muscle of her hamstring.
“You can’t stitch it back together,” Boland said. “There’s just nothing there.”
Before he operated on Feb. 26, 2010, Boland went to the medical literature to see if there was any other athlete who had that hamstring muscle removed, recovered and competed again.
He could not find one.
“We did such a radical operation,” Boland said. He was not sure Burla would be able to run, and even if she could, he doubted if she would compete again at an elite level.
She proved him wrong.
Last November, Burla competed in the New York City Marathon, her first. She came in 19th, in 2 hours 37 minutes 6 seconds. She came in second in the national half-marathon championship in January. She had planned to run in the New York City Half Marathon on Sunday, but her left hamstring — the healthy one — hurt a bit on Friday when she was doing a training workout on a track. She decided to pull out of the race rather than risk aggravating it.
“It’s a little bump in the road,” Burla said of her left hamstring injury. “In the grand scheme of things, it will pass and I will be fine. After last year, it doesn’t seem like that big of a deal.”
And Burla has bigger things in mind. She has qualified for the Olympic marathon trials next January. She loves to run. “I am very competitive,” she said.
That, said Steve Edwards, the husband and coach of Shalane Flanagan, who competed against Burla last year in the national half-marathon and in the New York City Marathon, is an understatement.
“The girl is tough as nails,” Edwards said.
Burla grew up running — her father was a high school track and cross-country coach in Waukesha, Wis. — and said she began racing short distances in the third grade. She wanted to win every race and would break down in tears if someone beat her.
“I think I drove my dad crazy,” she said. “He was like: ‘It’s O.K. You’re not going to win every time. You won’t get to run again if you don’t stop crying.’ ”
Burla ran in college, at Missouri, and was an all-American 10,000-meter runner in 2006. But after college, she stopped competing. She married her college boyfriend, Adam Burla, a shot-putter at Missouri, and moved to St. Louis, where she got a job teaching 3- and 4-year-old children in special education classes. She ran, but just for fun.
“It was my stress relief,” Burla said. “I loved it.”
She asked people in St. Louis if they knew anyone who would run with her.
“They were like, ‘I know this one guy who has run with girls,’ ” Burla said. The man, Andy Koziatek, 29, who is still her running partner, “gives me someone to chase and a supportive voice to propel me on,” Burla said. And, she added, ever the competitor, “We have a friendly rivalry of back-and-forth personal records.”
Burla also joined a running team, Riadha, after she got a call from its coach, Isaya Okwyia. He noticed how well she ran in high school and college and was recruiting athletes who “needed support.”
Burla, he said, “clearly had not realized her potential.” She wanted to run a marathon and she had what it takes, Okwyia said, and she is “fiercely competitive but incredibly patient.”
The plan was for Burla to train for a few years, then run her first marathon in the spring of 2010. But the previous fall, what had started gradually as an intermittent ache in her right hamstring became nearly constant, and agonizing.
“I tried to ignore it,” Burla said. “I honestly would be hobbling around the house. My husband would say, ‘What’s wrong with you?’ I would say: ‘I don’t know. I think it’s inflammation.’ When I would run it would feel better. When I stopped it was incredibly painful.”
In January 2010, she raced in the national half-marathon championship in Houston. Okwyia was there and watched as she hobbled to the starting line. After the race, in which she finished second, just behind Flanagan, Okwyia told her: “This is really serious; we have to get it taken care of now,” Burla recalled.
She went to New York because Okwyia knew a doctor there, Daniel Hamner, who was renowned for helping runners with sports injuries.
“I thought she had bursitis or a tear” in her hamstring, Hamner said. He did an ultrasound and told Burla she had some fluid in her hamstring. But when he tried to tap it and see if it was blood or water, he could not get anything out. He sent her for a magnetic resonance imaging test the next day.
“It was painful just lying down to get the scan done,” Burla said.
When it was over, the technologist handed her the scans and told her to see Hamner right away.
“That was kind of a red flag right there,” Burla said.
She returned to Hamner’s office. He told her she had what looked like a highly malignant tumor. She was stunned.
“I had to catch a flight in an hour and a half,” Burla said. “I had to call Isaya, call my family. We were all in shock and disbelief.”
She spent the few weeks before her surgery coming to terms with what had happened to her.
“There was a fleeting moment when I was first diagnosed when I questioned, Why my leg?” Burla said. “But the answer slapped me in the face instantaneously. Had the tumor not been in my leg, it would have been ignored and chances are the diagnosis would have been too late. Running saved my life.
“There was also a day in February when I had an epiphany,” she added. “I had lived my life without regrets. I had loved with my whole heart, lived each day for all it was, done my best while doing the right thing, and I was at peace. I realized that by living without fear, I wasn’t afraid of what the future may or may not hold. If my time was up, then I could leave this earth satisfied. If I was to live another day, then I would continue according to plan.”
At the end of February, Burla was back in New York for the operation. Boland had had a conference with other experts at the hospital about how to treat her. Should she have radiation? Her tumor was on the borderline of whether she would need it or not. Radiation, though, could weaken the bones of the thigh and knee, and it would make Burla’s knee so stiff she could never run again.
But because Boland did such a radical operation and since radiation could destroy Burla’s ability to run, he decided against it. Burla’s prognosis, he said, is very good.
Mary Wittenberg, president of New York Road Runners, which sponsors New York City’s marathon and half-marathon, visited Burla in the hospital the day after her surgery.
“There she was with this huge taped leg, up and walking around with a smile and a great perspective,” Wittenberg said. “At the time she didn’t know if she would run at all, but I don’t think that was important to her.”
It wasn’t, Burla said.
“I was happy just to be alive and have a leg,” she said.
And she wanted to be there for her husband and her son, Boyd, who was 14 months old.
But, of course, she also wanted to run and said she would be happy even if her running were limited to playing with her son.
In mid-April, Burla tried to run for the first time since her operation. It was a 15-minute walk-run, with most of the time spent walking.
She was thrilled.
“I had my running stride,” she said. “It was a miracle.”
Burla stopped in to see Boland before the New York City Marathon.
“I caught him on his way into an elevator, just long enough to say hello, thank you and I’m racing on Sunday,” Burla said.
She spoke to him again, on the phone, after the race.
“I was amazed by her performance,” Boland said. In fact, he added, “I was amazed that she was in it.”

Friday, March 18, 2011

Martinsville Half-Marathon & 5K Last Minute Instructions ! ! !

It is almost time for the Martinsville Half-Marathon & 5K.  Here are some important instructions and reminders that they have sent:

Packet pick-up will be Friday, March 25 from 10am-7pm in the Virginia Museum of Natural History Lobby (located next to the YMCA), and Saturday morning, March 26, in the Museum parking lot from 6-7:30am.

A picture ID will be required to pick up your packet!!!!!

  • All participants must pick up their racing ship on Staurday between 6-7:30am.
  • Parking is available at the YMCA, Virginia Museum of Natural History and the First Baptish Church. See Map
  • All participants should be in the museum parking lot BEFORE 7:15am. See Map
  • The half marathon course will stay open for 3 hours.  After that time you will need to please move to the sidewalks.
Cool Down Uptown Post Race Party

For any runner not wanting to walk, a shuttle will be located at the corner of Starling Ave and Stoneway Drive to shuttle runners to the Cool Down Uptown Race Party . The Post Race Party will be held at the Big Chair, .3 of a mile from the start/finish line.

All awards will be given out at the Post Race Party.

The Party will feature live music by Les Moore and the Brown Grass Troubadors.

Don't forget your meal voucher!  Free refreshments from Rising Sun Breads and Binding Time Cafe will be provided for all registered runners.  You must present the meal voucher from your packet in order to receive your free food!  Friends and family attending the party may purchase food from the on-site vendors.

I hope that everyone has a great race and a safe trip!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

SWVRRC New Website Address is Announced

Thanks so much for all of the hard work that Karen has done to keep our website going and to deal with the process of moving it to our own dedicated site.  Great work Karen!  She has also set up a SWVRRC page on shutter fly (I have added the link on right side under web links).  So please browse around the two sites.  One has scores of information on running training, and other great help articles and the shutterfly account shows  all of the great races where all our running club has been!

The Southern West Virginia Road Runners Club now has their official domain.  The address is   Please bookmark this address in your favorites and delete the old.    The old will direct you to the new domain for a short period of time.  After a couple of weeks of redirecting, it will be totally deleted.

Basically, the site still looks the same with some changes:
1.       Under the schedule tab, you will see a “Revised Date” column to assist you with knowing when a change  (date, website, entry form, etc) was made to  the information posted.
2.       Under the club info tab, training materials will be added soon to assist you with your running goals.
3.       Under the photo tab, major additions were added.  As many of you know, when I am able to attend a race, I have been taking a lot of pictures.  Since I have too many pictures to post on the website, I have started a SWVRRC shutterfly site at   I plan to post a few pictures on the website, but will be uploading ALL pictures on the shutterfly account.  If anyone takes pictures at the races, please email them to my home address at and I will upload them to the shutterfly account.  For the album covers I have chosen to use the race t-shirts; therefore, if you send me pictures of a race, please include a picture of the t-shirt.  As of today, there are 27 albums on the account.  Check out the pictures that have NEVER been seen….victory smiles, friends supporting friends, pets and owners, children enjoying fun runs, agony and pain. 

If you see any problems, with the website, please let me know by email at

Safe Running,

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Are You A Safe Runner?

It's a simple question, with a not so simple answer.  Are you a safe runner? 

Do you run alone?  There are many reasons that we should try to find someone to run with when going out on a run.  Of course there is always the story on the news of a runner gone missing.  If you run with a "buddy system" it is more likely that the "bad people" will move past you and on to next, because having someone with you already gave you the upper hand!  But that isn't the only reason to have a partner when running.  If you would fall or twist an ankle, who would help if you are alone?  And it's nice to have someone else helping you finish your goal when your body really doesn't want to!

Do you have some kind of identification?  You don't know what is going to happen once you sit out on your run.  Be prepared and have a Road ID bracelet or shoe tag.  This can be a very valuable tool if you are unable to communicate.  My husband has one that list my name and cell phone number and also list his aortic stenosis diagnosis.  This is information that can save his life if he is unable to talk to paramedics, and ensures that they are able to contact me even when we are out of town.  Even if you don't have a Road ID any kind of identification is helpful.  Maybe you can use your belt to hold your ID and/or cell phone.

What about your running equipment?  Make sure you are visible! Are you wearing something reflective if you are running in the early morning or late evening?  I have even taken the extra step of getting a small light that Paul wears around his waist if he is running when it is dark outside.  Bright colors also help to make you more noticeable. Have you made sure that your shoe laces are tied securely?  Make sure that you have water if you are on a long run.  Don't just plan on being able to get some along the way, have it with you.  They make great belts and back packs for this reason.

Know your course.  This one should be a given, but it is often not thought of.  If you are going to be running a new training course, map it out first.  Make sure that you aren't going to get lost or end up in an area that may not be as safe as where you started.  Does the course that you have mapped out have sidewalks?  Is there plenty of room to run along the side of the road if there aren't sidewalks?  Be sure to watch for dips and cracks in the pavement or sidewalks along new areas that you aren't familiar with.  Does someone know you are running and where?  It's good to let someone know where you will be running and around when you expect to return. 

Don't get distracted!  I know this one is easier said than done, but it's important.  Pay attention at all times.  Now almost everyone you see is running with headphones, that's fine, just turn them down so you can still hear.  You want to be able to hear the warning horn, before it runs you over.  I am sure you would like to hear the barking dog coming up behind you, before he bites you in the tail.  But it is more than just sound, keep your eyes open.  Watch for stray dogs that are running around without a leash.  Keep an eye on the cars around you.  Many people are txting and calling when driving today, it only takes one second of distraction for them to mess up.  Be ready!  Double check at all road crossings!  Don't assume that they are going to let you go, wait for a hand wave or head nod before crossing an intersection.  The couple of seconds you had to stop will be worth not getting hit.

Any other ideas for safety?  Please post a comment if you have a safety point that you would like to share. 

26th Annual Blacksburg Classic

The 26th Blacksburg Classic held by the Blacksburg Striders had it's biggest turnout to date!  There were a total of 487 finishers, 223 finished the 10 mile and 264 finished the 5K.  I am proud to say that we had many runners there from the Southern West Virginia Road Runners Club!  It also looks as if we took home a lot of awards.  Congratulations to everyone who ran!!  Great work everyone!

5K Race
Desi McClung          27:31        1st Men's 50-54
Tom Davis               28:24        1st Men's 60-64
Helen Chaffins          32:03        3rd Women's 40-44
Cassidy Adams        33:55
Christine Cardinal     35:44        3rd Women's 55-59
Darlene Winger        43:44        2nd Women's 50-54
Mark Wills               52:15

10 Miler
Lee Scruggs             1:19:58     2nd Men's 50-54
Vonda Wilson          1:21:29     1st Women's 40-44
Ronnie Shuck           1:24:03     1st Men's 60-64
Ronda Williams        1:32:35     3rd Women's 45-49
Jennifer Alvarez        1:36:44
Tom Gordon            1:37:04
Donna Akers           1:43:07     1st Women's 60-64
Revonda Adams      1:58:01

What a great showing of our talent!!  Keep up the great work.  Please let me know if I have missed anyone or have messed up someone's time.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

West Virginia Running Clubs - Why should I join a running club?

Why join a running club?  The easy reason is to be able to keep up with all of the local running events without having to track them down yourself.  But that is just the beginning, and how many people become introduced to a running club.  In truth, it's like joining a small, slightly neurotic, but always supportive family.  It helps you find training partners that are getting ready for the same races you are (which is great when you need that extra "umph" to push you through).  Its about being about to say fartlek, without getting laughed at; finding someone to discuss rock tape vs. compression socks; its about finding a whole new world, you didn't even know was out there.  Go ahead, most of us don't bite.  Click on one of the links below to find a running club in your area.  If you know of a running club that I haven't listed, or if any of the links are incorrect, please comment and let me know. 

West Virginia Running Clubs
Barefoot Runners Society,
Ohio Valley Runners and Walkers/Morgantown,
River City Runners/Parkersburg,
Run WV,
Shenandoah Valley Runners/Martinsburg,
Southern West Virginia Road Runners Club, Bluefield,
Tallman Track Club/Charleston,
West Virginia Mountain Trail Runners/Helvetia,

Upcoming March Races

I have added some upcoming March races in the left sidebar of the blog.  I have attached the web link to the race's home site if I am able to.  If anyone has a race that they would like added or knows of any upcoming races in the area please add the information in a comment so I can add them to the list.  I will soon be adding April's list so you won't have to wait until April to see what is coming up.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Running Season Is Off To a Great Start!

Here we are, looking at the beginning of the warm weather.  When most people see the flowers starting to peek from the ground and hear the birds singing, we think of summer; runners, on the other hand, start looking for races and thinking of the warm weather they can run in.  I know that Paul will be so glad to leave the treadmill to me and my 1:00am walks.  Ask just about any runner and getting outside and pounding the pavement is what running is about.  It is truly a sport where everyone can win.  After any race you can hear people ask "What was your time?" or "How did you do?"; they are asking because they want to know how you did in your race against "yourself".  Most already know if you came in before or after them, they want to know if you just had your PR (personal record).  If so, you won (no matter how many finished in front of you)!  If you just finished your first 5K, you won!  Even if you come in last, it's still better than never running one!  I look forward to the season starting so that I can visit with friends that I see almost every weekend during race season. (Ummmm, Karen, I believe that we have a dance lesson coming up...) So, runners, are you ready? Get set.  Let's go find some races!!!!!

The Blacksburg Classic was February 27 and the runners from our club have said that it was a wonderful race. (I will get results posted as soon as they update their website).  We also have lots of club members who are signing up for Martinsville on March 26.  I am hoping to add a race schedule and have it listed on the left side (I just haven't figured it out yet! LOL!).

Friday, February 25, 2011

Myrtle Beach Marathon

Clicking picture will enlarge it.
Here is just a quick group of pictures from the Myrtle Beach Marathon.  I know that I am missing a lot of our great runners that made the drive so I will add some more pictures as I get them.  Great job everyone!!!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Our Myrtle Beach Finishers

*Edited to correct times and add Kathy Smith (sorry I missed ya!)
*This is gun times*
Our 5K Finishers
Vonda Wilson   23:20 *3rd place in age group
Helen Chaffins   32:00
Megan Allen      38:21

Our Myrtle Beach Half Marathon Finishers
Steven Dowdy   2:03:29
Gary Akers        2:15:10
Hank Burnley     2:29:01
Kathy Smith       2:33:35

Our Myrtle Beach Marathon Finishers
Josh Barton        3:26:05
Mike Collins       3:53:26
Paul Pennington  4:19:26 *10th Marathon
Jennifer Alvarez  4:44:03 *1st Marathon
Tom Gordon      5:03:24

Please let me know if I missed anyone!!!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

History of SWVRRC

The Southern West Virginia Road Runners Club was first developed in 1977 by Paul Hodges.  Paul got the ideal of developing a road runners club, by participating in the Kanawha Valley Track club.  At the time Paul was the cross country and track coach for Athens High School.  He wanted to develop a summer training program for athletes.   The first meeting for the club was held at Appalachian Building in Princeton.  Dave Klingensmith and Kevin O’Sullivan, both were runners and played a major part in getting the club started.

The club first runs were small events, often with only ribbons or no awards and no-tee shirts.  The club first race went from in front of Concord College to the Pump house bridge and back, with the distance only a rough estimate.  The first “large” race was held on Sunday, June 19, 1977 at Glenwood Park.  It was less than four miles over road and cross country.  The oldest age category was 40 and up and the women’s division was a mile run.

In the early years of the club there were not many races available, the club had to make its own.  Kevin O’Sullivan suggested we hold a race at Pipestem.  The first Pipestem Pumpkin Run was held in October 1978.  Pipestem Park was a popular site for other runs as well.  For several years close to Thanksgiving the club had Turkey Runs around the Lake and a frozen turkey was the prize for first place.  The club also held a fun run that started at the Canyon Rim Center.

Glenwood Park was another frequent site for one to three runs per year in the early years.  When Marc Gladney was President, the club hosted weekly training sessions at the Concord track consisting of 400 intervals with a 400 jogging recovery.  Another fun run that the club held was a poker run at the Bluefield City Park.   This consisted of five miles in two loops where you would pass the same point each mile and receive a card.  The one with the best hand at the end won the prize.  Running was less formal, less expensive, with less awards, but yet fun in the “old days”.

Welcome to the SWVRRC Blog

The Southern West Virginia Road Runners Club is a club for area runners in the surrounding areas of Bluefield, West Virginia and Virginia. SWVRRC is a member of the Road Runners Club of America (RRCA) .
The Southern West Virginia Road Runenrs Club is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.